50 Ways to Ask for a Kiss

So flat out... this section is an excerpt from The Book with at least 50 fun ways to ask for a kiss - ways to ask and sentences to use... plus some extra ones that didn't make it into the book. Enjoy!

Heartfelt Examples

Leading with vulnerability, here’s a few lines that might work.
With practice, you will probably learn to ask your question with more confidence... but for some women, genuine nerdy awkwardness and vulnerability is a much bigger turn on than someone who delivers their line perfectly smooth. We know this, because we’ve both known such women! We don’t care what those crappy self-proclaimed dating experts say when they generalize and say what all women and what all men like. People can be vastly different in what they do and do not find attractive and many of my closest female friends are massively turned off by over the top alpha males.

Statement of Intent Examples

If outright asking someone to kiss you seems too intense for your first time, a “statement of intent” is one small step below where you are not asking for a yes or no answer, but letting them know you hope to kiss them at one point.
A statement of intent is not technically a question, but still seeks permission in a flirty way, best done at a high point of your date. You might even change the subject afterwards. At very least I’m sure your date finds it a nice compliment.

Fishing for Interest

As you get more experienced in dating, you might eventually realize that there is an art in escalating conversation away from topics that might seem boring, into topics that you are passionate about, and, if it feels right, the topic of dating and passion itself. It really helps if you change the topic to dating (since you are possibly on a date) first, so it doesn’t come totally out of the blue. You can ask them about bad dates and good dates.

Flirty Examples

Not everyone is versed with being flirty, but if your date and you are already flirting and you’re feeling positive vibes, then you might do well to remember that there are many, many ways you might seed the idea of a kiss well before you kiss.
Some of these examples are far more flirty than others, but the possibilities are limitless on how you can bring up the topic of kissing and then migrate towards asking. Early in this book we promised there are thousands of amazing ways you can ask for a kiss. We’re not about to write a thousand lines here, but hopefully you've already seen enough to realize that we are right. Sometimes flirty ways to kiss are not that obvious, so if your date says “are you asking to kiss me”, we hope you say vulnerability and say “yes, I am being brave asking to kiss you”.

Creative Examples

There are probably also a thousand creative ways to ask for a first kiss, and here we are going to focus on ways to ask for consent without using your voice.
These are just a few creative examples to get your creative juices flowing. Often for a first kiss you won’t feel bold enough to get creative, but if you do get creative, you might create one of the most memorable first kisses of your life and their life.

The Direct Ask

Asking can be vulnerable and heartfelt or sexy and flirty – it's up to you. The important part is that you do ask whenever you are in doubt. The more questions you ask about dating and kissing, the more confident you’ll be able to ask the most direct question of all:
It’s not rocket science. You ask for what you want, and you can say it in a confident playful voice, whisper it into their ear, or add the word “please” in there.
There are always going to be a few men and women who believe it's sexy to take without asking... but these people who believe in "power moves" are either a little rapey, or have bought into this idea without ever thinking of the wider implications for society. Maybe your second kiss you can safely read the signals and steal without asking... but a first kiss is a critical bond in your relationship which can lay out the level of respect you expect to uphold. If you are willing to ask for verbal consent to kiss, then you set yourself up well for a conversation about safe sex, if your dates progress further.
Also remember that even sexier than the vulnerability that goes into asking... is knowing that you can handle a no. If you hear a no, that's much, much better than going for a kiss and watching your date turn pale because she really isn't ready to kiss you. You messed up, and you can't really recover easily from that without feeling like an idiot.
Typically, the answer “yes”, “no” or “I need more time to decide on a kiss” is already in the person’s head before you ask, so don’t be too afraid that the process of asking makes or breaks the outcome. You asked because you wanted to gain access to the answer. It would be like asking “so do you honestly think I’ll get this job” at the end of a job interview. If they say no, you just saved yourself the uncertainty of waiting by the phone for weeks hoping they would call.

Encouraging Someone to Ask

In the heteronormative case of a male and female date, a woman might often find herself wanting to be kissed, but be on a date with a man who isn’t acting on or picking up on your cues. Maybe your cues are just way more subtle than you think. What you might think is obvious, might just look like another person’s interpretation of friendly or flirty. Or maybe he is just shy, conflicted or terrified.

If a man really wants to kiss you he may be looking for a signal that you are truly interested in him and you might have to do it verbally. An interesting insight we have is that often (not always), women appreciate compliments about their character instead of the physical, since they are used to men being so physically focussed and not seeing their inner beauty. Men are often the opposite. For a man to hear that he has a beautiful soul or is a terrific guy sounds like friend zone material. Try telling the guy he is cute. Tell him you love his shoulders, his hair, his lips, his neck or even his t-shirt. Become flirty with physical touch, and he might soon get the hint that he can move closer, and closer, and eventually might kiss you. Some men are just shy though so once again, we challenge you to try to flip the script.

If it has been a few dates and you still haven’t got the first kiss you want, then you can ask him “why haven’t you kissed me yet”. There’s a small chance he doesn’t want to kiss you, which is the same reason men are often afraid to ask, they are afraid the answer is no. Isn’t it better to find out sooner rather than later if someone isn’t just that into you in that way though?

For many men, they also might be conflicted about what a kiss might mean. Maybe they fear there is a conflict of interest, or be concerned about religious differences, age difference, or any number of things you haven’t considered. A kiss can have hugely different meanings to different people, and maybe a mature conversation will reveal that he physically would love to kiss you, but feels that the situation or timing is not right.

When you want a man to kiss you, but he isn’t asking, don’t just sit around doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Try something new to let him know that you’re totally into him.